Activity 3: B. 1. Who wrote this poem? Gabriela Mistral. 2. What is the name of the poem? Tiny Feet. 3. What is the tone of the poem at the beginning, sad or happy? How do you know? Sad, because it shows a vulnerable child. 4. Is the child of the poem poor or rich? How do you know? Poor,because it shows a child who has suffered and nobody helps. C. Translate the poem into Spanish. Include one image Piecicitos. Piececitos de niño, azulosos de frío, ¡cómo os ven y no os cubren, Dios mío! ¡Piececitos heridos por los guijarros todos, ultrajados de nieves y lodos! El hombre ciego ignora que por donde pasáis, una flor de luz viva dejáis; que allí donde ponéis la plantita sangrante, el nardo nace más...
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Activity 2: This is my Poem Muriel funny, positive, sincere, studious Daughter of a loving God Who loves her family, her cats and her dog. Who is afraid of chickens, darkness and violence. Who wants to see her grandma again, Jesus coming from the sky, and that all people be happy Resident of an unjust world Fuentes